ERROR Analyzer
If you feel that your engine is not running correctly, or if you are on the way to buy a used car and would like to know if the engine of this car is in good shape, this service could be very useful for you. It could happen that a car would display on the dashboard an unfamous “orange” warning light named “CEL” (for “Check Engine Light” !).
Usually, on this latest case, the user manual of the car tells you to call or bring your car as soon as possible to a repair center. Error Analyzer would let you know the reason why the “CEL” did show-up.
Sometimes it could be an “easy” problem, but, some other times it could be a “tough” one.
We believe that it should anyway good to know what is source of this warning.
Effectively, by knowing the source, you may easily Google the result of the report and get a good idea of the costs of the part that becomes defective. In some other possibilities, the problem may show up as the result of a temporary or intermittent situation where, a simple “ Reset” would fix it. (Note that such “Reset” is part of the services that Error Analyzer is providing, but please be aware that resetting an error should not fix the problem, ..the error normally comes back !
Error Analyzer is subject to a one time fee, valid for one user, and multiple cars).
Additional information about ERROR Analyzer
Below is a list of the 20 most common OBD II trouble codes with the percentage of failures for USA, Illinois State vehicles tested in recent years: (this State keeps good statistics on this services !)
P0420 – Catalyst System Low Efficiency – 13.2%
P0171 – Fuel Trim System Lean Bank 1 – 10.4%
P0401 – Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) Flow Insufficient – 8.4%
P0174 – Fuel Trim System Lean Bank 2 – 6.8%
P0442 – Evaporative Emission (EVAP) System Small Leak Detected – 6.7%
P0300 – Engine Misfire Detected (random misfire) – 6.4%
P0455 – Evaporative Emission (EVAP) System Leak Detected (large) – 6.2%
P0440 – Evaporative Emission (EVAP) System – 5.5%
P0141 – Oxygen Sensor Heater (H02S) Performance Bank 1 Sensor 2 – 5.1%
P0430 – Catalyst System Low Efficiency Bank 2 – 3.2%
P0135 – Oxygen Sensor (HO2S) Performance Bank 1 Sensor 1 – 3.2%
P0446 – EVAP Vent Solenoid Valve Control System – 3.1%
P0128– Coolant Thermostat – 3.1%
P0301 – Cylinder 1 Misfire Detected – 3.1%
P0411 – EVAP System Control Incorrect Purge Flow – 2.8%
P0133 – Oxygen Sensor Slow Response Bank 1 Sensor 1 – 2.8%
P0303 – Cylinder 3 Misfire Detected – 2.6%
P0304 – Cylinder 4 Misfire Detected – 2.6%
P0302 – Cylinder 2 Misfire Detected – 2.6%
P0325 – PCM Knock Sensor Circuit – 2.1%
ChkOBD Error Code Analyzer
The ChkOBD Error Code Analyzer reads and decodes the Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTC) and displays them in the ChkOBD app screen.
The Diagnostic trouble codes (DTC) are automotive computer codes stored by the on-board computer diagnostic system (OBD) in your vehicle. There are hundreds of different codes for a Check Engine Light. That may sound scary but ChkOBD takes the guesswork out of the equation by showing you exactly why that Check Engine light came on and to be your guide in addressing the problem.
The Error Code Analyzer feature is sold as an “In-App” purchase with a one time fee of US$ 2.99. You get charged (one time) only if the app verifies that it can read, display, and delete the error codes (..if you have any !!) for your car.
Please remember that deleting the error code will not fix the problem that triggered that error code. But, it’s useful if your have fixed the problem or it is a temporary problem like a loose gas cap.
Even if you do need something repaired, it should be helpful knowing what to fix and going to the best repair place to fix that specific problem.
It should be to your advantage to ask for a quote to fix the exact identified problem rather than rely on a mechanic or estimator to be truthful. In the event a specialized mechanic is needed to fix the error, you will know, in advance, whom to select.
Our software does require a compatible ODB Bluetooth Adapter to pass the codes to the ChkODB app. The ChkOBD software is compatible with a large selection of OBD adapters already present in the market.
These adapters connect with the OBD port (mechanically and electronically) and be able to connect to our applications via the Bluetooth wireless “standard”.
We have listed Adapters that have been tested with our application on the Adapters page.
If you have any questions about our products, do not hesitate to contact us via the “Contact Us or Support pages.
We would like to thank you for your interest in our products and hope you a very good user experience.
With a compatible OBD Il Bluetooth connector and ChkOBD you can view over a dozen vehicle conditions in a single screen and to know if the car’s OK and safe to drive.