You are a “Car Enthusiast” and would like to see more information about your engine.
The basic version, free of charge, will let you have a view of the basic sensors. This is organized on a 3 pages user interface:
- Page 1 : Fixed configuration reading miles (or km) per hour and rotation of the engine per minute.
- Page 2 : Idem plus clock, with a custom configurable additions over the available list of Engine Values.
- Page 3 : Viewing of the custom additions all over the page. The page 3 is 100% configurable. (And, the selected list in page 3, is independent of the page 2).
The reading of an extended numbers of Engine Value is subject to a In-App purchase, valid after one time fee, for an unlimited number of cars.
Important note : we cannot list these values, as the presence of the readable sensors depends of the car brand, model, configuration and year of manufacturing !

Top part of Display
Screen 2, This part is not configurable, this is the fixed part of Screen 2.
(Displaying speed, engine rpm and clock, all in one.)
Here, Your selection
After having added a sensor (using the “+”), a short tap on it show you the description of the sensor, ..while a long tap, will delete it from your selected list. (At anytime, you can bring it back ! (Just “+” it again !)
Bottom part of the Display
Screen 2, the “+” sign brings you to a the list of sensors that are readable from your car and let you select the ones you want to read. (The free available sensors are in “bold”, while the one available if you would buy the Engine Value License are in “gray” !)
With a compatible OBD Il Bluetooth connector and ChkOBD you can view over a dozen vehicle conditions in a single screen and to know if the car’s OK and safe to drive.